Saturday 4 June 2011

So, I suppose im starting a blog, then.

Firstly, hello reader! How are you? Had a good day, I hope? Well that's good/im sorry to hear that, im sure things will pick up.

So, this is a blog, which I am starting. This, im sure, you'll already have deduced. What is this blog about? That's a good question, and, to be frank, I don't really know yet. I do a lot of thinking, you see, and I often find myself thinking I should write some of it down. Yet, doing so on paper seems somewhat...hollow. So im hoping to put some of it up here, and maybe share my hilariously ill-educated and pretentious ideas with you, the reader.

Of course, that's not likely to actually happen. Let's be reasonable here, people are busy, and most probably i'll be too distracted to write long pieces regularly. But, any work I think is particularly good, anything I find in my explorations that I think is particularly interesting, i'll post here for you to look over and ponder. Bear with me.

Onion Head Hat

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